Diamond RHM10 Multi Band Portable Antenna 7Mhz – 430MHz

Diamond RHM10 Multi Band Portable Antenna 7Mhz - 430MHz $245.00

From $36.98 a fortnight with


Available on backorder


 Diamond RHM10 Multi Band Portable Antenna 7Mhz – 430MHz

    • Length: 0.5m – 1.77m
      Weight: 300g
      Frequency: 7Mhz – 430MHz
      Max. power rating: 130W (SSB)
      Impedance: 50ohms
      Connector: PL-259 Male
      Antenna Type: 1/4wave reduced type (HF band), 1/4wave (50/144MHz band)
      5/8wave (144/430MHz band)


    • ** Not suitable for mobile use while mobile (Stationary only).


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